Retirement & Estate Planning
Retirement & Estate Planning
Retirement & Estate Planning
Retirement & Estate Planning
Retirement & Estate Planning
Retirement & Estate Planning
Retirement & Estate Planning
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How we help you
About Greenfeld Financial Management
About Greenfeld Financial Management
About Greenfeld Financial Management
Jeffrey J. Greenfeld, CFP®, Investment Advisor & Financial Planner
Located in Delta, BC Tel: 604.940.8617
Investment Management
At Greenfeld Financial, we consider investment management crucial to your entire financial picture. As our investment client, we work with you to understand your financial goals, objectives and risk level to create a personalized portfolio of investment products.
By completing our Financial Review, goals such as retirement planning, income generation, tax efficient income, educations savings, disability savings, and short-term savings determine which program is best for you.
Our on-going monitoring program provides you with peace of mind, allowing your money to build and create wealth over time. Investment products that we use to construct your portfolio may include:
Mutual Funds
- Exchange Traded Funds
Stocks & Bonds
Responsible Investments
Segregated Funds
Alternative Products
Exempt Market Products
Private Placements
Our portfolios recommendations are based on fee-based and non-fee based options. Your investments are not locked in, allowing for greater flexibility when re-balancing your portfolio. To you, our client, it means that making changes to your portfolio is not hampered by redemption fees and other portfolio restrictions. We provide annual performance and fee reports and you can choose to view your account online, making for a greener planet!
Responsible Investing (RI)
As with most Canadians these days, you are probably concerned about the recent climate events that happened in 2021 such as fires and floods. If so, you are amongst the of 77% of Canadians interested in responsible investing. You are concerned about the long lasting effects of climate change and are interested in investing in products and services that align with their core values.
As a Responsible Investment Specialist (RIS), I work with you to create an investment portfolio that meets your goals and is unique to you – whether it is investing in low carbon emissions, clean energy, or weapons-free investments.
"77% of Canadian investors are interested in responsible investing."
RIA Canada
Why should you consider incorporating responsible investments?
1. Responsible investment fixed income and balanced mutual funds outperformed their respective benchmarks 67% of the time. [RIA Canada]
2. Responsible investing at its core, are investments that at the end of the day, are returns-focused, but have the benefit of also producing positive impacts. For example, Desjardins Investments Inc. measures their impact and reports actual numbers such as net CO2 emissions avoided, number of tons of waste recovery, and the amount of MWh of renewable energy created.
3. Massive investment opportunities exist. Well managed companies that are solving global environmental and social problems are well positioned to create value and growth in the long term.
4. Your core values can be reflected using various strategies such as negative screening, positive screening, thematic investing, and thematic investing to name a few.
5. You can leave the world a better place for your grandchildren by investing in products that affect the planet in a positive way.
Here's another great video from the WWF: Our Planet: Too Big To Fail